What is a Poker Hand History Analyzer?

A poker hand history analyzer is a computer program that processes the raw hand history files from online poker sites. These files contain information about a player’s win rate and statistics.

Using a hand history analyzer can help you pick the right tables for your game and maximize your profit. These tools also help you identify leaks in your game and suggest ways to fix them.

Hand history analysis

A poker hand history analyzer is a tool that helps you to better understand how to play your hands. It can be a great way to improve your game and make you more profitable.

Poker hand history analyzers work by analyzing the data of played hands from online cardrooms. This information can include showdown percentage, frequency of aggression and check/raise ratios.

They also let you create hand replays. These replays are useful for post-session review of critical hands and for showing to friends or poker coaches.

These hand replays can be created using a variety of software programs. Some are free while others can cost quite a bit of money.

A poker hand history analyzer can also be used for data mining, which is a technique of collecting statistical information about players without having to play them. However, some sites consider such use illegal, as it violates their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

Betting intervals

The biggest hazard at the poker table is losing track of your bet. Fortunately, some sites offer a feature that allows players to track their bets from one hand to the next. This helps prevent the dreaded double up.

A poker hand history analyzer is a useful tool that allows you to see the big picture and identify the weak spots in your game. It can also be used to find the right table for you. The software is a web utility that can be downloaded for free to any computer. It can process multiple files at a time, and the best part is that it is completely secure.

A poker hand history analyzer is the best way to see the big picture at the same time as maximizing your chances of winning at the tables. It can also reveal the most profitable suited table for you. A well made software program will provide you with an extensive database of the games you enjoy, and help you spot the pitfalls and potential cash cows.


The hand history analyzer reads the history files provided by online poker sites and gives a full range of statistics to the player. This makes it possible to detect potential problems in the game and can greatly improve a playeraEUR(tm)s skill level.

There are many different poker tracking programs available on the market, but some of the most popular include EZAnalyzer, PokerStove, and PokerEquilab. Some also allow the user to filter by different metrics.

Session analyses are a very important part of poker. They are easy to do and help you re-evaluate your decisions and hands. They can also show you how you can increase your profit or minimize your losses with a different action.


Bluffing in poker requires a lot of skill and awareness. If you’re not careful, it can be easy to make mistakes that end up costing you big money.

You can’t bluff effectively without a good understanding of your opponents and their playing styles. It is also important to know how you’re perceived at the table, as this can impact your ability to bluff.

Another poker bluffing tip is to size your bets appropriately. This is an important part of your strategy because it ensures that you don’t leave any hint to the opponent that can potentially lead them to call a bluff.

To bluff successfully, you should continue to increase the pressure on your opponents with each round of betting. You should also bet large enough to scare your opponents away but not so much that you lose a significant chunk of your chips.